Space-based composite Ads-b and multilaTeration systEm validation thRough scalable simulAtions
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Scientific publications
Victor Monzonis Melero, Juan V. Balbastre, and Alex Ganau, SATERA Baseline: Identifying the Challenges of Space-Based Multilateration Systems, SIDS2024, Rome, 12-15 November 2024
Conference papers
Air traffic control traditionally relies on Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) and procedural methods in areas without radar coverage. In recent years, ADS-B has gained importance as a surveillance technique that transmits the identity and position of aircraft. Space-based ADS-B (SB ADS-B) systems extend this capability by enabling transmission to satellites, particularly in remote and oceanic regions where ground stations are not feasible. Not only does this contribute to the reduction of separation between aircraft, but it also increases airspace operational efficiency by enabling more direct routes and greater availability of optimal altitudes, which in turn leads to lower greenhouse gas emissions. However, the integrity of ADS-B transmissions can be affected by either natural or intentional perturbations. To address this issue, the SATERA project aims to develop an integrity estimator for SB ADS-B systems using position estimates provided by multilateration (MLAT) systems. This work contributes to establishing the project’s baseline and identifying specific challenges. A prediction tool has been developed to calculate the theoretical performance of an MLAT system using receiver stations aboard a constellation of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites. The methodology involves adapting ground based MLAT localization algorithms to the space environment, evaluating regularization techniques to mitigate potential ill conditioning, and using advanced Kalman filter-based tracking algorithms combined with the Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) filter.
DOI (medra): 10.61009/SID.2024.1.36
DOI (link): https://doi.org/10.61009/SID.2024.1.36
Public deliverables
D8.1 – Initial Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan
This document contains the Initial SATERA Plan for the Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation of results. It includes the identification of target stakeholders, the selection of the appropriate communication and dissemination strategy and material for each group of stakeholders, and the identification of exploitation target users and partners’ exploitation intentions. The deliverable also defines KPIs and strategies for communication, dissemination, and exploitation measures. This first release will be refined and updated as the project progresses.
D8.2 – Initial Communication Material
This document contains a description of the communication materials available to all the SATERA partners for communication activities and SATERA visual identification. This first release will be refined and updated as the project progresses.
D8.3 – SATERA Data Management Plan
This document describes the data management life cycle for all data re-used, generated and processed throughout the SATERA’s research phases. It adopts the FAIR principles- making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable – to guide data handling , storage, and sharing practices.
Communication and dissemination materials
Communication and dissemination materials are available on the Download page
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